A while ago I needed some bowed cymbals for a project I was working on.
I realised I had used the ones I had to death, so I decided to record brand new ones. Not only that, I also made a custom Kontakt interface that allows you to manipulate the samples further and create unique and sometimes terrifying sounds.
I recorded at 192khz and then down sampled to 48khz.
Additionally I included two alternate pitched down versions.
-12 and -24. Both were pitched from the 192khz recording.
Please check out the video for a quick overview of what everything does.
Its pretty straight forward!
Hope you find it useful!
To Download simply enter your email and you’ll get a link.
If you’ve already singed up to my cinematic updates list before,
just enter your email again and you’ll get an instant direct download link.
Any questions just let me know.
Bonus Trivia: That’s me on the cover.
Please note you need the Full version of Kontakt 5.7+.
This will not work on the free player.